Friendly House Photo History Presented
Mike Harris, Senior Warden, (left) and Roland Caldwell (right), accept a pictorial history of the Friendly House construction from Elizabeth Jones - photo by Mara Trumbo. The current Friendly House in two photos by George Zepp.
Community Volunteer
By Donna Heffner
Please put an announcement in Rugby Week regarding Craft vendors at the Michaelmas Festival at Christ Church . We want to be sure everyone interested is given opportunity to participate.
Date: Saturday, October 1
Time: 11 a.m. - 4 p.m. Eastern
There is NO CHARGE for having a booth.
Contact: Ron Jackson at 423-628-6250
Date: Saturday, October 1
Time: 11 a.m. - 4 p.m. Eastern
There is NO CHARGE for having a booth.
Contact: Ron Jackson at 423-628-6250
British Car and Motorcycle Show
Grab the family and come to Historic Rugby for the free British Car and Motorcycle Show, Saturday, September 3, on Labor Day weekend. The hours will be 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Eastern (9-4 Central). “People’s Choice Awards” will be presented along with prizes for both automobile and bike categories. Spectators will get a chance to vote on their favorite cars or motorcycles and to help Historic Rugby by voting for favorite vehicles at the donation boxes located at each vehicle. All proceeds will assist Historic Rugby to continue to sponsor and host public events.
Registration of show vehicles is $7 during August, with the price going up to $10 in September or on the day of the event. The show will also feature craft & food vendors. Vendor booths are also available for $20. Come join in the fun and enjoy the day viewing all of the fabulous vehicles, talking with their owners and helping by voting for your favorite vehicles. BIRTHDAYS
27 - Polly Allen and Jessica Neary
Saturday, September 3 - British Cars and Bikes - Labor Day Weekend's Saturday will bring Historic Rugby's British Car and Motorbike Show. Hours will be 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Eastern. IT'S FREE TO SPECTATORS. "People's Choice Awards" will be presented along with prizes for both automobile and bike categories. Registration of vehicles is just $7 during August or $10 starting Sept. 1. Vendor booth spaces will be available for $20. Call Historic Rugby (423-628-2441) to make arrangements or email .
Saturday, September 3 – Community Potluck – 7 p.m.
Saturday, September 10 – Book Club Meeting - next selection, “The Shadow of the Wind” by Carlos Ruiz Zafon. Reviews of the book, which is set in
Saturday, October 1 – Michaelmas Festival,
Quilters Group - Wed. and Sat. 2–4 p.m. Eastern at the Friendly House
Rugby Yoga – Wed. 8:30 a.m. Eastern at the Friendly House.
Aphid Eaters
You can find them right in your own yard if you're lucky because these aphid-eating insects called Carolina Leaf Rollers are native all over the southeastern
It isn't easy to find a lot of information about the Carolina Leaf Roller. There hasn't been much research done on them. Their Australian cousins have been studied a great deal, however, and it's thought that our American Leaf Roller crickets may have some of the same characteristics, such as their extremely territorial instincts. Entomologists who observe them in captivity have learned that they have to keep them in separate boxes or containers because otherwise they will fight each other to the death.
Historic Rugby’s Workshops
Saturday August 27 - Vegetable and Flower Gardening For The Fall ~ 10 a.m. – 1 p.m. EDT. Instructor: Bob Washburn. Fee $15. Planting a fall garden provides an opportunity to garden with fresh vegetables and flowers throughout the fall and early winter. The cool season enhances the flavor of vegetables. You will also learn the varieties and proper times to plant for the best fall garden ever. Bob will have a selection of vegetables and flowering plants from his 52-greenhouse nursery available for sale.
Saturday, August 27 - It’s All Done With Mirrors – “The Kaleidoscope” ~ 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. EDT. Instructor: Sara Senft. Fee $65. The world of kaleidoscopes will be explored. This includes various mirror configurations, how object boxes are constructed, etc. Each student will complete a kaleidoscope to take home.
Saturday, September 10 - English Country Dancing For Beginners ~ 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. EDT (with a two-hour break). Instructor: Mary Hemminger. Fee $25. Come learn simple historic dances that were written and compiled in
Saturday, September 17 - Victorian Decorations ~ 10 a.m. - 3 p.m. EDT. Instructors: Beth Hester, JoNell Hester and Joyce Lantz. Fee $25. Using fabric, lace, paper, ribbon and reed, create charming Victorian ornaments. At the end of the day, take home 6-8 ornaments plus many ideas and patterns.
Friday, Saturday and Sunday, Sept. 23, 24, and 25 - White Oak Basketry ~ 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. EDT. Instructor: Bobby Edwards. Fee $130. This very popular 3-day workshop teaches the art of White Oak basketry from tree selection, splits, rims and handles to weaving a beautiful traditional basket. This is an experience not to be missed even if it does require “hand strength.”
Saturday, October 15 - Autumn Gathering and Arranging ~ 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. EDT. Instructor: Linda Konig. Fee $24. Join us in the fields and roadsides to gather dried wildflowers, seed heads, berries and nuts to create your own fall arrangement. Learn the names of and interesting information about all your “autumn gatherings”.
To register for workshops, call toll-free 1-888-214-3400 or 423-628-2441. Lodging may be available at 1880 Newbury House and local cottages at a 10% discount to students. Food service is available at the Harrow Road Café.
This Week’s Editors: Rick Murphy and George Zepp