Monday, December 22, 2008

Thank You Singers
After almost a week of wet dreary weather, the Rugby Community Singers helped get Rugby in a Christmas mood with their concert Saturday night at Christ Church.

Ron Jackson did a great job conducting with musical accompaniment by Tom Howell (flute and piano), Judy Newport (piano) and Donna Heffner (piano). Benita Howell did an amazing job playing the sleigh bells and Mike Harris turned his belt into a musical instrument making the sound of a whip used on a sleigh ride! It was obvious that all of the singers had put a lot of work into preparing for the concert.

Skidmore Garrett of Allardt was nice enough to send me this photo from the concert .

Christmas Dog
This beautiful dog was dropped off in Rugby on Sunday. He followed me home and was cold and hungry. Donna Heffner says she thinks it might be a white Labrador/retriever mix. He has a wonderful disposition and would make someone a very nice Christmas present. He is not fully grown. If you are interested please call Rick Murphy at 423-319-7842.

Christmas Week Happenings
For those of you who will be in Rugby, there are several happenings this week.

The traditional Christmas Eve service will be at Christ Church at 5:00 p.m. Wednesday night followed by a potluck.

You can work off any holiday over-eating with the Christmas Day Hike to Colditz Cove. It is an easy hike, although it can be damp and somewhat slippery, so wear good boots. Meet at the Café at 2:00 p.m. to carpool.

And the Open House and Christmas Carol Sing at Tom and Benita Howell’s home, Ambleside, will be Sunday, December 28 from 4:30 - 9:00 p.m. Eastern.

New Year’s Eve in Rugby
Don’t forget to make your New Year’s Eve dinner reservations at the Harrow Road Café. This year they are offering a Candlelight Dinner and live music with Donna Heffner on the piano accompanied by her special friend, Mr. Gourdon.

A choice of three special dinner menus will be offered, each with soup, garden salad, choice of baked potato or steak fries, cheddar garlic spoon rolls, beverage and delicious freshly made dessert. Reservations required. See Calendar of Events below for details.

Cell Phones for Soldiers
Mara Trumbo says “if anyone is getting a new cell phone, (most service providers require the purchase of a different brand on signing a new contract) instead of disposing of the old one, I am collecting old cell phones for the troops abroad. Cell phones, with or without batteries and chargers are accepted and all old numbers memories cleared before being reactivated.

“A box will be left at the Friendly House and will be shipped at month end. Thank you for making it possible for our troops to communicate with their families over the Holidays!”

Merry Christmas
My parents and my sister and her family came to stay with us at Walton Court for an early Christmas celebration last weekend. While the weather outside was frightful, we greatly enjoyed spending time with each other.

I couldn’t help but remember an earlier Christmas in Rugby. It was back when we owned the old Rugby home called the Lindens. On Christmas Eve, before all the guests had arrived, it started snowing. While the uninsulated house could be pretty drafty, we had it feeling cozy with help of the wood stove in the kitchen. Lots of food was prepared and presents were wrapped. The old house was ready for everyone to arrive.

As the roads became more and more covered with snow, and the light outside began to fade, I grew concerned that not all of the family would be able to make it in. But, in spite of the weather, one by one, each car finally made its way over the white covered roads. And everyone settled in to enjoy the quiet beauty of Rugby in the snow.

Regardless of the weather, and wherever you may be, I wish all of you a wonderful Christmas…..and lots of good Rugby memories.

Merry Christmas

Rick Murphy

December 24 - Charles Gibbs

Calendar of Events

December 24 – Christmas Eve Service – 5:00 p.m. at Christ Church followed by a potluck in the Friendly House – everyone is invited

December 25 – Christmas Day Hike – Annual hike to Colditz Cove. Meet at the Harrow Road Café at 2:00 p.m. Eastern

December 28 - Ambleside Open House and Christmas Carol Sing 4:30 - 9:00 p.m. Eastern. Tom and Benita Howell invite everyone to their annual open house at 149 Luton St. in Beacon Hill. Benita says “Singing is fun but definitely not required.”

December 31 – New Years Dinner and Live Music at Harrow Road Café - seatings from 5:00 to 8:45 p.m. Eastern. Dinner prices $17.95 to $22.95, not including tax & gratuity, but including entertainment. (Bring your own wine or champagne – $1 per bottle charge for corkage/Glasses). RESERVATIONS REQUIRED – Make at Rugby Visitor Centre or call 1-888-214-3400 or 628-2441

January 2 – Folk Dancing – 7:30 p.m. Eastern at the Friendly House

January 3 – Community Potluck – 7:00 p.m. Eastern

January 3 – Big South Fork Chapter of Tennessee Trails Association – after Community Potluck – annual meeting with special slide presentation by Jim Poteet followed by election of officers and hike planning meeting for 2009 hikes.

January 10 – Inquirers Class - Christ Church 10:00 a.m. and ending no later than 3:30 p.m. For more information call Father Keese at 865-660-0196.

Exercise Group - Monday and Thursday at 9:00 a.m. Eastern at the Friendly House

Quilters Group - Wed. and Sat. 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. Eastern at the Friendly House

Rugby Related Websites
Historic Rugby –
Grey Gables Bed & Breakfast Inn -
Christ Church Episcopal -

Nature Notes by Linda Konig
When I heard a flying squirrel appeared at Walton Court this week, I knew I had to write about them.

Rick and George said the little fellow made noise climbing on the screen of their porch Friday night while they were playing Scrabble inside. When they found him on an outside ledge, he posed quietly for several flash photos just beyond the screen -- very unusual, they thought. I agree.

As you can see from this photo, flying squirrels are some of the cutest "Disney-esque" rodents you may ever see. I often refer to them as "ghost" squirrels because they're nocturnal, hate bright lights, are instantly alert to the slightest sound and float about so silently in the trees.

The only times I've had a good look at them were when their home tree was cut or fell, or when Ron Jackson and I surprised one in Ron's shop a few years ago.

Flying squirrels don't actually fly in the sense of flapping wings like birds, of course. They have folds of furry skin stretching from front feet to hind feet. These allow them to glide or float from tree to tree.

The more I learn about their glides, the more impressed I am with their maneuvering skills. They have a cartilaginous rod extending from the side of each "wrist" to steer their route. Their flat tails act as rudders and stabilizers.

Before I learned about them, I had assumed they only "flew" in straight lines from point to point. I was wrong. They can make sharp turns in mid-flight, spiral ascents and flat loops!

I have yet to personally witness their more spectacular aerobatics, but some still, moonless night I still hope to.