Monday, May 11, 2009

35th Spring Festival This Weekend
In spite of the several weeks of seemingly nonstop rain, preparations for this weekend’s 35th Annual Festival of British & Appalachian Culture are well under way. Historic Rugby has arranged lots of entertainment, crafts and demonstrations.
Performers include Sheila Kay Adams - a renowned ballad singer and storyteller from western North Carolina, Butch Hodgkins & Lonesome County Line - a traditional Cumberland Plateau Bluegrass band, The Boys of County Nashville - a lively and haunting Irish group, coal mining songs and tales by Tony Thomas, as well as old time gospel by the Johnson Sisters.

For a more complete list of performers, crafts, demonstrators and activities go to

Christ Church has put a nice Spring Festival sign out on the church fence to help draw festival goers to their own activities. I know they plan to have a lot going on in the church yard as well as a rummage sale at the Friendly House.

Film Crew at Café
Historic Rugby's Harrow Road Cafe hosted Chef Garrett Scanlan (International Irish Chef) and Producer Mat Mullins last Friday night, according to Executive Director Cheryl Cribbet. They filmed a segment of their new show called "90 Miles" which is a culinary-based show they hope to show on the local Knoxville public tv channel. The show features eateries from off the beaten path's in Tennessee that are offering unique and/or cultural cuisine.

One of the features was the Café’s Pride of Erin soup. I think the folks working at the Café had a big time - server Sarah Stowers said she had her “film debut” as she picked up an order of the soup from the kitchen service window. No word yet on when the show will air.

Habitat Store Flooded
By Annie Patterson

Appalachia Habitat for Humanity was dealt a blow last week when flooding in the city of Sunbright damaged their ReSale Store beyond repair. The water was up about two feet on the building and caused significant structural damage. In addition to a huge inventory loss, a much needed revenue stream is now, well, downstream.

Habitat hopes to be able to build a new facility (higher up) in the near future. In the meantime sales will be held in the parking lot whenever the sun comes out again. Habitat will continue to accept donations of household items and building materials as well as gifts to help offset this loss.

The Rugby community has been such a wonderful support to this ministry and your calls and concern are much appreciated. Machelle Cooper is an AmeriCorps member responsible for coordinating in-kind donations and volunteers at the store and she can be reached at (cell) 423-319-7897 or (home) 423-628-6372.

Editor’s Note – To get an idea of how high the water has gotten in this area recently watch Carrie Thornthwaite’s recent video at the Clear Fork River at

Help Replace the Print Shop Roof
The historic buildings in Rugby are pretty, but they sure do cost a lot to maintain.

As some of you will remember Historic Rugby spent thousands of dollars to replace the wood shake roof on Percy Cottage last year - partially through the help of the community. There was a benefit concert last year and some donations that helped offset the cost of the Percy roof replacement. I know Historic Rugby is very grateful for the support from the community for last year's effort.

Now the roof on the Print Shop desperately needs to be replaced. Executive Director Cheryl Cribbet estimates that it will cost approximately $4,000 just for the roofing materials - labor will be extra. Unfortunately Historic Rugby is being affected by the economic downturn and does not have currently have enough funds to complete the work. They have raised some money toward this project, including $500 an individual donated last year. They have recently received another $900 plus a promise of another $1,000 from individuals. So, they have raised $2,400, but need at least $1,600 more for materials plus substantially more for labor costs.

If you can help out, please contact Historic Rugby at 423-628-2441 or send your donations to "HRI, PO Box 8, Rugby, TN 37733. You can also stop by the Print Shop during Spring Festival and put your contribution in the donation box that will be inside.

News from Christ Church
By Lavonne Gibbs

Sharon Garret, (phone 931-879-7340) has announced that she has forms to enter the Fentress County Iris show which is this Wednesday May 13 at the Fentress County Senior Center from 1:30 until 2:20. She also has forms for the Sew Sweet Quilters Quilt Show to be held June 12 & 13 at the Jamestown Baptist Church. Both new and old quilts accepted. Forms are due by May 25.

Don and Shirley Weaver have donated a new walker that Christ Church will keep in their back storage room to lend to anyone in the community who has temporary need of it. A wheel chair or crutches for short term use may also be borrowed. Call Lavonne Gibbs at 628-5678

Items for sale at the Rummage sale next Saturday and Sunday are still being gratefully accepted. The Gibbs will be offering visiting children a free pair of stilts or help and materials to build a yellow poplar or red cedar child size step stool.

Thanks to Julian and Mary
By Vi Biehl

I'd like to make a special note of recognition to Julian Bankston for the wonderful thing he has done for Rugby folks in beginning and keeping the First Saturday Pot Luck going; and to Mary Hemminger with Bob's help, for bringing us the chance to do English Country Dancing each month for a while now.

Both events provide such a wonderful chance for all Rugby folk to just get together and have a good time. I am always hearing so many praises for these folks and just wanted to put it in writing here in Rugby Week.

Tick Removal Tips
Jodye Weiler forwarded this tip for removing ticks.

“I had a pediatrician tell me what she believes is the best way to remove a tick… Apply a glob of liquid soap to a cotton ball. Cover the tick with the soap-soaked cotton ball and swab it for a few seconds (15-20), the tick will come out on its own and be stuck to the cotton ball when you lift it away. This technique has worked every time I've used it (and that was frequently), and it's much less traumatic for the patient and easier for me.”

May 11 - Valerie Donegan
May 17 - Julian Bankston, Mary Gilliat and Becky Hull
May 18 - Bill Jones

Calendar of Events

May 16 & 17 – 35th Annual Festival of British & Appalachian Culture. 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Saturday, 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Sunday

May 30 – Big South Fork Chapter Hike – Edwards Mountain and Rice Hollow, Wayne County, Ky. Carpool leaving Harrow Road Café at 9:00 a.m. Eastern. Tour a 400 foot long sandstone cave (easy walking – only flashlights needed) and hike along Big Hickory Road into Rice Hollow, an easy 1.7 miles on level and downhill slope to the Gibbs cabin for a picnic lunch. Contact Charles and Lavonne Gibbs to register.

June 6 – Community Potluck followed by a community discussion with Cheryl Cribbet from Historic Rugby – topics are Pilgrimage and the Community Center.

June 11 – Baby Shower for Alicia Berry at the Community Room 6:30 p.m. Eastern. Everyone is invited – she is expecting a girl!

Exercise Group – Monday and Thursday at 9:00 a.m. Eastern at the Friendly House

Quilters Group - Wed. and Sat. 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. Eastern at the Friendly House

Nature Notes
By Linda Konig

First – an explanation of last week’s goof in my Nature Notes. The particular cricket I was writing about was the Northern Mole Cricket, a cricket that is rarely seen, not an ordinary male cricket. Since last week, I have learned more about these fascinating little crickets which resemble mammalian moles and live somewhat like them, too.

However, since the Rose-Breasted Grosbeaks have attracted a lot of attention this week around Rugby, I am writing about them. The males are getting a lot of attention because of their striking coloration. Jet black and white, they have a triangular red “cravat” at the upper chests. At first, I was just seeing the males and not noticing the females which are brownish and somewhat nondescript. The males arrive first when migrating, followed by the females. They migrate each fall to Mexico, Central and South America.

One morning this week, there were six male Rose-Breasted Grosbeaks at the Café feeder which is a record for the number I’ve seen at one time. Others may have seen more, though, since this seems a good year for them. Are they just migrating through? I’m not sure. After mating, they live solitary lives in the treetops, so this is the best time of year to spot them. They not only eat seeds but also insects and fruit, so you might see them at other places besides feeders.

HRI Workshops
(For more details about workshops go to Historic Rugby Website at )

May 30 - Lessons With The Mountain Dulcimer – Novice/Intermediate 10 a.m.– 4 p.m. Instructor: June Goforth. Cost $30.

May 30 - Nature Night Safari 8:30 p.m. until… Instructor: Linda Konig. Cost $8

Call (423) 628-2441 or Toll-Free 1-888-214-3400. Lodging is available at Historic Rugby with a 10% discount to all workshop participants.

This Week’s Editor is Rick Murphy