Monday, January 26, 2009

Snow, Ice and Inauguration
After I posted Rugby Week last Monday morning it kept snowing until Rugby was covered under a couple of inches of the white stuff. Although it was pretty cold, Rugby in the snow turned out to be a great time to walk around the village and imagine how things were in the early days of the settlement. Road traffic was dramatically reduced so it became still and quiet with just the sound of crunching snow under each footstep.

Photos of last Monday’s snow – Christ Church and George Zepp at Walton Court

The snow did not melt quickly, but that did not deter the 10 neighbors who showed up for the Tuesday hike. Tom and Benita Howell led the group from behind the Visitor’s Centre and down and up the steep gravel road to Allerton Ridge and over to the Massengale homesite. It was beautiful, as the sky had cleared and there is a wonderful view of the Cumberland Mountains from the homesite clearing. But it was cold, so the group did not linger long.

Tuesday’s hiking group gathers for a short but vigorous hike in the snow

In one modern departure from early Rugby winters, I suspect that most of the village had their televisions on Tuesday to watch the inaugural ceremonies. The snow and cold weather were a perfect excuse to spend much of the day watching the momentous occasion. We enjoyed welcoming in the new President in front of Gayle Minor’s big screen television, surely something the early Rugby colonists would have found amazing.

George Zepp’s photo of icicles along the old Tabard Inn trail to the Gentlemen's Swimming Hole

The hiking group’s Snow and Ice hike on Saturday was well attended and I hear the hikers saw some pretty dramatic icicles hanging from the stone bluffs on the trail to the Meeting of the Waters. The icicles harken back to some of the accounts of the early days of Rugby. George Zepp recently ran across this interesting account from the RUGBY GAZETTE, Feb. 7, 1885, discussing how two of John Gilliat’s relatives – Harry and Eugene Gilliat – used them to start a new business:

“Messrs. H. and E. Gilliat have started a new enterprise, which we hope will turn out successful. Having found a cave on the banks of Clear Fork, suitable for the purpose, they have collected large quantities of icicles, and with the aid of boards and sawdust, have converted it into an ice-house. Three tons have beenstowed away, this last week, and we trust many more will follow.”

Beacon Hill Home Sale Pending
Carman Roberson mentioned that Rose Cottage, the Beacon Hill house built in 2007 for resale, is now under contract to Beacon Hill lot owner, Lisa Donegan of Dickson, Tenn. It will be great for Lisa to have her own place in Rugby and, hopefully, be here more. Lisa also owns Lot 4 to the right of Rose Cottage.

Fire Rescue Group to Meet in Rugby
Tom Howell says the Morgan County Fire Rescue Association will hold its next meeting at Christ Church’s Friendly House on Thursday, February 5 at 7 p.m., with dinner served at 6:30 p.m. before the actual meeting. Rugby residents are being invited to dinner and the meeting, but need to call Gerald Hanwright to reserve a spot. This is a group comprised of chiefs and other principal officers of the various fire departments and of the Rescue Squad and Forestry.

Morgan County Executive Becky Ruppe will attend and be happy to talk with anyone about county problems and successes, so Tom and Gerald say the community is welcome to be there as guests if they don’t mind sitting through the meeting first.

Gerald, Fire Chief of the Clear Fork Volunteer Fire Department, will prepare chicken, salad, spaghetti and bread for the guests but needs help from the community in furnishing desserts – or any other dish anyone wants to bring. Please contact Gerald by Tuesday, Feb. 3, if you plan to attend by calling 423-627-4182 and leaving a message. Tom would also like help with cleanup afterward, so call him at 628-5521 to volunteer.

Christ Church
Father Peter Keese says Episcopal Bishop Charles vonRosenberg will be making his annual visitation to Christ Church on Sunday, February 1. He will preach and confirm at least five people.

Also, Father Keese’s sermons are now posted regularly on the Christ Church website, . I noticed that the website has been updated for various events and other information about the church.

Valentine Dinner Saturday, February 14
Treat someone you love to a special Valentine dinner at Historic Rugby. The Harrow Road Cafe will serve a four-course Valentine dinner by lamplight with seating from 6:30 - 7:30 p.m. Eastern Time on Saturday, February 14. Per-person dinner price is $27, which includes tax and gratuity.

Special lodging/dinner packages in historic buildings may still be available and start at $127 for two people, including lodging Saturday night, Valentine Dinner and breakfast the next morning.

The two dinner entrée choices are roast pork loin served with vegetable ragout and topped with blueberry port wine reduction or chicken breast a la chaseur stuffed with bacon mushrooms and boursin cheese served with rosemary rice pilaf and sauteed vegetables. Both entrees will be served with festive snow top salad, potato leek soup, herbed cheddar spoon rolls, chocolate cheese cake with strawberry glaze, and beverages of choice.

There is no charge for service to guests who bring their own wine or champagne. Arrive early on February 14 and shop with your Valentine at the Commissary Museum Store open from 10:00 a.m. to 6:45 p.m. and filled with Rugby history materials, traditional handcrafts, British and Victorian wares, books and other unique gifts. Both Spirit of Red Hill Nature Art and the Carriage House Art Gallery will also be open until 6:45 pm for shopping.

Art Classes
Rugby’s Mara Trumbo debuts her 2009 oil painting classes in Cookeville at Hobby Lobby this coming Friday, Jan. 30. The full day "Tea Roses" class will be from 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. and will cost $55.00 all inclusive of materials and a 16"x20" canvas. Anyone interested should call Mara at 423-628-6591.

January 26 - Benita Howell
January 27 - Jessica Erickson
January 28 - Peter Keese
January 31 - Mary Ann Lovett and Jessie Gully
February 2 - Ed Gleason

Calendar of Events
January 30 – Chili Cook off – Second Annual Morgan County Chili Cook Off – Come support Rugby entrants including the Harrow Road Café, last year’s winner. 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. Eastern at Central Middle School, Liberty Road, Wartburg. Entry is $5 which includes chili, drink and dessert

February 7 – Hike at Lone Mountain State Forest near Wartburg led by Tom and Benita Howell. Details will be provided later.

February 7 – Community Potluck – 7:00 p.m. Eastern

February 14 – Valentine’s Day Dinner at Harrow Road Café. Romantic Four Course Dinner. Seating from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. Reservations required. Lodging packages including dinner also available. Call Historic Rugby at 888-214-3400 or locally 628-2441.

Exercise Group - Monday and Thursday at 9:00 a.m. Eastern at the Friendly House

Quilters Group - Wed. and Sat. 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. Eastern at the Friendly House

Nature Notes by Linda Konig
Although there isn’t quite as great a variety of a bird species in winter, we still see interesting ones. Occasionally, some uncommon ones come around.

Last Thanksgiving weekend as I was driving through farm country in Smith County, a large, solid white bird flew directly in front of my car. Startled and thrilled, I couldn’t wait to get home and look it up in my “Sibley Field Guide to Birds.”

I think I saw a snowy owl! I had always assumed before that snowy owls were all farther north, but according to Sibley we have them in Tennessee – they’re just rare. They like to winter in open fields, often perching on fence posts in broad daylight, as this one had done.

George Zepp told me that he and Rick Murphy saw a yellow-bellied sapsucker pecking holes in a dogwood in their side yard earlier this past week. It’s an uncommon bird, but one that does winter in our area. Yes, they really do “suck” sap but also eat insects drawn to the oozing sap. Perhaps this bird was getting ready for spring, when the trees’ sap will rise again.

In the meantime, don’t forget to feed our feathered friends, the seed-eaters. They’re especially needy when the ground is covered with snow and ice.

Rugby-Related Websites
Historic Rugby –
Grey Gables Bed & Breakfast Inn -
Christ Church Episcopal -
Rugby Photosharing Site -