Monday, February 2, 2009

It is Snowing
After a Sunday of spring-like weather, Rugby awoke to a beautiful snow again this morning. It is coming down pretty good as I post this. George took this photo from the window at Walton Court.
Café Wins Chili Cook-off Again
The Harrow Road Cafe won the CASA Chili Cook Off for the second consecutive year on Friday in Wartburg. Since this is only the second annual chili cook off, the Café is now two-for-two. Historic Rugby Executive Director Cheryl Cribbet says the award confirms "championship" status of the restaurant’s chili. As part of the award, Café Chef Jay DeYoung will be on WVLT-TV Chef Walter Lambert’s cooking show in the near future to showcase the award-winning chili.

Barbara Stagg says the Harrow Road Cafe started serving this chili in 1978. It is the late Seva Myer's recipe, and they still make it according to her original handwritten recipe, although Jay says he made some refinements this year over last year.

Christ Church Welcomes Bishop
A large crowd attended Sunday service at Christ Church to greet Bishop Charles vonRosenberg and witness confirmation of six new church members, Rita Elliot said. She said it was the largest confirmation class welcomed into the church she can remember (which is a long time). Judy Newport, Carman Roberson, Mike and Debbie Harris, Misty Poss, and Tyler Myers were confirmed. The Bishop reportedly was very impressed by the singing at the church.

Dancing and Hiking this Weekend
Friday night will offer another session of English Country Dancing at the Friendly House at 7:30 p.m. Mary Hemminger says you don’t have to bring a partner to participate.

Saturday the local trails group, the Big South Fork Chapter of the Tennessee Trails Association, is sponsoring a hike at Lone Mountain State Forest in Wartburg. The six-to-eight-mile hike is described as moderately strenuous due to changes in elevation. The official website describes Lone Mountain as a “detached ridge-like mountain rising to an elevation of 2,530 feet (770 m) … its isolation makes it one of the 25 most prominent mountains in the state of Tennessee.” To learn more about Lone Mountain and to see a photo from Coyote Point, the destination of Saturday’s hike, check out the State Forestry website at

See other details for the hike in the Calendar of Events below.

March Workshops Announced
Historic Rugby has announced March workshops. The three workshops are: Oil Painting in One Day “Roses Fantasy” Saturday, March 14 with Rugby artist Mara Trumbo. Fit, Fun & Yoga Saturday, March 21 with TV exercise personality Missy Kane. Nantucket Lightship Basket Saturday and Sunday, March 28 & 29 with Beth Hester. Details about each workshop and registration information are in the Calendar of Events below.

Cheryl’s Contact Information
New Historic Rugby Executive Director Cheryl Cribbet wants to make sure everyone knows how to contact her. Her new email address is Of course, you can also reach her through the regular HRI administrative office phone number – 423-628-2441.

February 2 - Ed Gleason

Calendar of Events
February 6 - English Country Dancing at the Friendly House 7:30 p.m. Eastern

February 7 – Hike at Lone Mountain State Forest near Wartburg led by Tom and Benita Howell. Meet at Rugby’s Harrow Road Café at 9:30 a.m. Eastern to carpool to hike location. To register, contact Tom Howell at

February 7 – Community Potluck – 7:00 p.m. Eastern

February 13 – History Night – 7:30 p.m. Eastern at the Friendly House

February 14 – Valentine’s Day Dinner at Harrow Road Café. Romantic Four-Course Dinner. Seating from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. Reservations required. Call Historic Rugby at 888-214-3400 or locally 628-2441.

Exercise Group - Monday and Thursday at 9:00 a.m. Eastern at the Friendly House

Quilters Group - Wed. and Sat. 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. Eastern at the Friendly House

HRI March Workshops
March 14 - Oil Painting in One Day “Roses Fantasy” 10:00 a.m.– 4:00 p.m. Eastern. Instructor: Mara Trumbo. Learn how to master oil paints with Mara by following her personal step-by-step instruction. All supplies included. $58

March 21 - Fit, Fun & Yoga With Missy Kane (New) 10:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m. Eastern. Instructor: Missy Kane. A well balanced day with Missy Kane, starting with yoga then a hike through Rugby and in the Big South Fork. Covenant Health members will be along for health checks and tips. Bring your own picnic lunch. Film excerpts of the day will be shown on “Fit & Fun” on ETP-TV. $35

March 28 & 29 – 6-inch Nantucket Lightship Basket (New) 9:30 a.m.–5:00 p.m. Eastern. Instructor: Beth Hester. Make a strong, beautiful, functional and accurate reproduction of the famous Nantucket Lightship Basket -- an heirloom to treasure. Each student will have use of a cherry mold base, weaving with fine grade cane and staves with a hand-carved white oak handle. Challenging but rewarding, with participants learning carving staves, weaving, drilling, rim making and lashing. $165

TO REGISTER FOR WORKSHOPS: Call (423) 628-2441 or Toll-Free 1-888-214-3400
Lodging is available at Historic Rugby with a 10% discount to all workshop students.

Nature Notes by Linda Konig
One of the ways I entertain myself as I drive to Jamestown or Wartburg, etc., in winter especially is to look for solitary hawks on electric wires. Hawks tend to keep their same territories and perches from year to year. My “favorite” hawk is a red-shouldered hawk that hunts in the neighborhood of the Nazarene Church on Highway 52 between Rugby and Allardt. Last Saturday as I passed through its territory, it was swooping down off a wire to the field below, its talons spread, to catch a mouse (probably) it had spied below.

What I’d really love to see is the courtship flight of two red-shouldered hawks in the spring. I have read about it, and it seems to be an amazing aeronautical feat, as the male plunges down from a great height to a hovering female below. At the last instant when it seems he must crash into her, he stretches his wings and checks his dive. At the same instant she flips over and over in the air. Then they nonchalantly go their separate ways – until later.

If you’d like to see some hawks, owls, etc. up close, be sure to sign up for the Birds of Prey and Reptiles Workshop that Historic Rugby will hold on Saturday, August 1 at the Community Center. Naturalists from the Anderson County Wildlife Rehabilitation Center in Clinton will bring several raptors and reptiles. They were here a few years ago, and it was fascinating.

Rugby-Related Websites
Historic Rugby –
Grey Gables Bed & Breakfast Inn -
Christ Church Episcopal -
Rugby Photosharing Site -
Mara Trumbo - local artist/art instructor